Celebrating Pride & Diverse Relationships

Happy Pride! While I’m a firm believer in celebrating the LGBTQ2IA+ community each and every day of the year, I’ll gladly take a month of publicly acknowledging the contributions of queer individuals, of uplifting those who call for equality and kindness and love and for speaking out on behalf of those who can’t because their rights – and in some cases, their lives- are being threatened.

Much has been written about the corporate virtue signaling and rainbow-washing that occurs every June, and for good reason. If companies are truly dedicated to the equal rights of all, they need to prove it (and not just by slapping their logo onto a rainbow t-shirt and calling it a day). If you want to take a deeper dive, check out these articles:
Thing to Know: Rainbow-Washing
How to avoid rainbow-washing and truly support LGBTQ employees during Pride Month

This year, I’m dedicating my Pride blog to the interpersonal. When it comes to relationships, being queer doesn’t just mean same-sex attraction. LGBTQ2IA+ individuals can be much more open to love and connection of all kinds. Those who identify as Bi are attracted to men and women, for example. Those who are asexual can be emotionally attached to their partners but have no interest in sex (and that’s okay!). Pansexual individuals can be attracted to others regardless of gender and/or to people who are non-binary. And there can be all sorts of combinations in between!

You may have started to see much in the media recently about the concept of polyamory (generally meaning to be in relationship with more than one person at a time). Please note that this word can mean SO many different things to different people, so if you’re curious, do your research. If it all seems genuinely confusing, there’s a reason for that. Most of us grew up receiving very rigid, heteronormative messages about relationships. Man marries woman – the end. Now, thanks to our queer ancestors who fought so, so hard to secure our rights – men can marry men and women can marry women. But that’s still a 1+1 operation.

Polyamory and all of its varying iterations has existed since, well, the beginning of people. This can sound wrong or titillating or even both, depending upon your concept of commitment and relationships. Before you jump to judgement, ask yourself – how does someone else’s version of love threaten YOU? Because honestly, consenting adults loving who they love in the way they want to love has zero effect on your life. So, can we just live and let live?

What does this have to do with queer people? Well, while we can never generalize across the board, many LGBTQ2IA+ individuals tend to be more tolerant and that goes not just for sexual identity, gender identity and gender expression. It includes how people express their love for one another.

Polyamory isn’t for everyone, nor is anything for that matter! But learning is for everyone, and if you’re compelled to learn more, let Pride be a motivating factor. It’s in the learning that acceptance grows. And in my humble opinion, we need that more than ever.

At Maze, we celebrate Pride every day, welcoming diversity among our employees and patients alike. Here are a few ways we’re celebrating Pride throughout the month with our wonderful staff:
• Brunch For Lunch Celebration & “Love, Simon” Viewing Party
• Pride Week Trivia Contest
• Drag Queen Bingo

We’re proud to be the kind of company and medical practice that is committed to making everyone feel welcome and accepted when they come through our doors, every single day. Our team is proud to assist you with all of your sexual health needs, including specific services for gay and bisexual men , without judgement. Contact us for more information.

The Maze team wishes you joy, safety and meaning during this Pride and always – however you choose to celebrate!

The post Celebrating Pride & Diverse Relationships appeared first on Treating Low-T, Erectile Dysfunction & Peyronie’s | Sexual Health Experts .

The Honey Hive found this article quite interesting, and we thought you might too. We give all the credit for this article to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Jennifer Dembo, LCSW</a>. Click Here To <a href="https://www.mazemenshealth.com/blog/pride-and-relationships/">Read This Article From It's Original Source</a>

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