The Best Tantra Podcasts For Tantra Beginners & Explorers

So, you’ve heard of Tantra and want to explore what it’s all about. Or perhaps you already know all about it but you want to learn more. Well, then you’re in the right place. We’ve scoured the web to bring you the best tantra podcasts available online right now. We’ve summarised what each podcast covers and who hosts it, so you’re sure to discover something new to explore on your tantra journey. Scroll away and enjoy!

Tantra Podcasts

Juliet Allen

Juliet Allen logo

Juliet Allen, an Australian sexologist and tantric practitioner, hosts a podcast called Authentic Sex , which is all about pleasure, sex and relationships.

Listens can expect to hear expert advice on relationships and sex from Juliet and other leaders in sex and relationships. Juliet aims to empower women and men to transform their relationships and sex lives and embrace their sexuality. She’s committed to freeing people from disempowered and mundane sex lives by opening up the conversation around how to have amazing sex every day.

The Tantric Lounge Radio Show

LoveLife by Jacqueline Hellyer

Relationship and sex experts, Jacqueline Hellyer and Xavier Waterkeyn, co-host the podcast Tantric Lounge Radio Show, which covers sex, spirituality and science and everything in between.

Listeners can expect to learn all about the third wave of sexuality: breaking down the boundaries of shame and sleaze towards a liberated, truly understood sexuality. They talk about sex for thinkers, explorers and seekers.

The podcast has been labelled deep, inspiring and at times plain hilarious. Sex Geeks from across the sex education industry discuss everything to do with intimacy, love and sex. Covering topics such as sexual confidence, sexual empowerment and how to create a deeper connection in relationships.

The Sacred Erotic Podcast

The Sacred Erotic Podcast by Adam Bee

Adam Bee hosts the podcast The Sacred Erotic Podcast, which delves into Tantra, the sacred erotic and spirituality.

The topics covered in this podcast are designed to help you move inward, deeper into your body, to truly understand your body’s own wisdom. Adam believes that by exploring your deepest desires, your spiritual paths become deeper and you learn to trust your bodies to explore into the unknown.

Sex is Medicine Podcast

Sex is medicine podcast by Devi Ward Erickson

Devi Ward Erickson, an internationally recognised tantric healing expert, tantric healer and sexologist hosts the podcast Sex Is Medicine . In one-hour episodes, listeners can expect to learn about sexual wellness, pleasure, personal growth and the connection between spirituality and sexuality – and how these topics can impact our overall health and wellness.

Tantra Punk

Tantra Punk logo

Ben Lawson, Tantra instructor, performance artist and writer, hosts the podcast Tantra Punk , which focuses on bringing sacred sexuality to existence.

Through Tantra Punk, Ben aims to help tantric followers explore divine love, wisdom and eternal power in the pursuit of health and diverse romantic relationships.

Listeners can expect to hear about a wide range of topics relating to Tantra, with inspiration from Ben’s interest in sexual healing, empowerment, psychedelic goddess worship, sacred loving arts, permaculture and shamanism, amongst others.

Durga´s Tiger Podcast

Durga´s Tiger Podcast logo

From Durga´s Tiger School the tantric teacher Iris Disse welcomes you to her Podcast , where she talks about love, love making and tantric & shamanic rituals for self – development. Her goal is to create for you a path of joyful transformation, where you can dance creativity into your everyday lives. In each episode Iris will share daily practices – tools for empowering your reactions and to raise your awareness. Welcome! Ahó. Visit their website and ride the tiger with them:

Humans in Love

Humans in Love Podcast featuring Zachary Stockill

HUMANS IN LOVE is a venue for wide-ranging conversations concerning culture, relationships, and personal development from unconventional perspectives.

Featuring interviews with authors, musicians, coaches, entrepreneurs, travelers, and a wide range of others, Humans in Love is a podcast for humans who want more out of life and love.

Humans in Love is hosted by author and coach Zachary Stockill , whose work on culture and personal development has been featured by BBC News, BBC Radio 4, The Sun, The Huffington Post, Knowledge for Men, The Art of Charm, and many others.

Described by one generous listener as “Anthony Bourdain meets Alan Watts,” Zachary is the author of the guidebook Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy, and the founder and head coach at, where he has helped hundreds of thousands of men and women in over 180 countries overcome jealousy and possessiveness in their relationships.

Put Your Tantric Learning Into Practice With Karma Tantric

If you’d like to experience the art of tantra in a safe, spiritual and sensual space, then Karma Tantric can help. Our specially-trained tantric masseuses are experts in all types of tantric massage . Get in touch with our friendly booking team today to book your massage.

Erica Suarez-Hillingdon

Tantra Massage & Couples Therapy Expert

Erica is the Editor of Karma Tantric Magazine and expert in all things Tantra & Tantric Massage. She specialises in helping men, women and couples unleash their sexual potential through her tantra teachings. | Read More

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